The GOI Act of 1935 was passed on 2 August 1935 during the tenure of Governor-General Lord Willingdon
The GOI Act came into force on 1 April 1937. During this period, Lord Linlithgow was the Governor-General of India
The GOI Act of 1935 was the longest Act enacted by the British Parliament so far and was later divided into two parts:1. Government of India Act 19352. Government of Burma Act of 1935
The Sources of the GOI Act of 1935 were:
1. Simon Commission Report.
2. Recommendations of the Round Table Conferences.
3. The White Paper of 1933.
4. Reports of the Joint Select Committee of 1934.
The main features of the GOI Act of 1935 were:• Division of subjects.• Provincial Autonomy.• Bicameralism in the provinces.• All-Indian Federation.• Extension of Franchise• Abolition of the Indian Council.
To control the Indian railways, the GOI Act 1935 set up a new authority called the Federal Railway Authority.
In pursuance of the recommendation of the Simon Commission, the GOI Act of 1935 provided for the separation of Burma from India
Drawbacks of the GOI Act 1935
• Failed to provide a proper federal structure.
• Provincial Autonomy introduced was limited and restricted.
• Extended the principle of the communal electorate.
Constitutional Provisions drew from GOI Act 1935
• Federal Scheme.
• Office of Governor.
• Provision of setting up of Federal Court.
• Public Service Commissions.
• Emergency Provisions.
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